New episode of Talking Humanitarianism

With COP27 underway in Egypt, tune into this latest Talking Humanitarianism podcast episode discussing energy politics in conflict-affected states.

Gender and Humanitarian Diplomacy webinar recording now available

You can now view a recording of the recent webinar exploring the role of gender in humanitarian diplomacy.

Seminar: Unpicking the development impacts of migration in Asia

You are invited to this seminar unpacking the relationship between social, economic and environmental change and its impact on everyday life in Asia.

Talking Humanitarianism podcast is back!

Tune into the first episode of the new ‘Humanitarianism and transitions to a low-carbon future’ podcast mini-series, with Ekatherina Zhukova (Lund University).

NCHS welcomes new intern

The NCHS is pleased to introduce Işınsu Acar, who will spend two months as part on an internship program in Bergen.

Refugee Diaspora Organisations and Humanitarianism

Latest book in the Worlds in Crisis: Refugees, Asylum, and Forced Migration series maps out actors and interactions in situations of forced displacement.

Worsening Crisis in the Sahel

The humanitarian landscape in Sahel is deteriorating as the invasion of Ukraine indirectly exacerbates existing vulnerabilities. This PRIO policy brief examines the state of security in Sahel vis-à-vis new geopolitical realities presented by the conflict between Russia and NATO.

Report overviewing conflict trends released

This PRIO paper offers an analysis of the global dataset on state-based conflicts, non-state conflicts, and one-sided violence between 1989 and 2021.

NCHS spotlight article: Exclusive tourism enclaves

Exclusive tourism spaces have increased substantially in recent years. Scholars from various fields recently came together to examine the effects of these projects on humanitarian research and policy.

Upcoming forum: Perspectives on futures of post-conflict societies

You are invited to join this forum hosted by Bergen Global, exploring the dynamics of gender and youth in leading rehabilitation and reconciliation efforts through drawing on post-conflict scenarios around the world.