
Talking Humanitarianism podcast is back!

Mini-series on humanitarianism and transitions to a low-carbon future
Welcome to this new ‘Talking Humanitarianism’ podcast series!

In this latest mini-series, Ekatherina Zhukova, Senior Lecturer at Lund University in Sweden discusses humanitarianism and transitions to a low-carbon future with a range of scholars.

Listen to the first episode ‘When environmental justice and ontological utopia are not enough’ here!

In this first episode, Zhukova is in conversation with David Bond, Associate Director of the Center for the Advancement of Public Action at Bennington College in the United States and together they discuss the limitations of the concepts of environmental justice and ontological utopia in our understanding of the ability of the state and polluting industries to address the ecological crisis.

Based on Bond’s newly published book Negative Ecologies: Fossil Fuels and the Discovery of the Environment with University of California Press in 2022, Zhukova and Bond explore the alternative concept of negative ecologies and the possibilities it offers to comprehend the scale of environmental destruction and to provide adequate responses to it right now.

Stay tuned for more episodes from the ‘Humanitarianism and transitions to a low-carbon future’ mini-series soon!

Listen on our website below, Spotify and Apple, or most places you get your podcasts.