Launch of the EuroWARCHILD project

The EuroWARCHILD project is set to be launched on 1 June, with a seminar bringing together European children born of war, scholars, and practitioners to discuss what it means to grow up as a child born of war.

Upcoming panel: Helping refugees from Ukraine and preventing exploitation

Join this panel discussion hosted by PRIO on measures to prevent human trafficking in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Humanitarian diplomacy as moral history

This article interrogates the practice of humanitarian diplomacy by focusing on the history of the Red Cross Movement.

Data sharing between humanitarians and donors

This NCHS paper examines data sharing between humanitarian organisations and donors and provides possible avenues for more responsible data sharing.

Different responses to mobility

This PRIO blog offers comparative reflections on the EU’s response to sudden and large-scale arrivals of people across its borders, in 2015 and now.

ICRC report on protecting civilians from explosive weapons

A roundtable discussion was held to identify Norway’s role in leading international efforts to protect civilians from explosive weapons, following a recent ICRC report on this issue.

Digital humanitarianism in a kinetic war: Taking stock of Ukraine

In this blog for Global Policy, Rodrigo Mena and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik examine the use of technology in Ukraine for humanitarian purposes.

Upcoming seminar: Refugee education reimagined

Join this seminar hosted by PRIO to examine refugee education, including how refugees are integrated into national education systems and future aspirations for refugee education.

How law shapes the inclusion and exclusion of refugees

The University of Bergen is hosting a seminar on Tuesday 26 April looking at how law shapes the inclusion and exclusion of refugees and other migrants in Canada and Norway.

PhD position in human geography

Applications are now open for a PhD position in human geography at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Applications close 24 May.