
New episode of Talking Humanitarianism

Humanitarianism and transitions to a low-carbon future
Listen to the latest ‘Talking Humanitarianism episode ‘Energy politics: When fossil fuels turn into renewables’ here!

In the second installment of the new mini-series on humanitarianism and transitions to a low-carbon future, Ekatherina Zhukova and Kristin Doughty discuss energy politics in conflict-affected states.

Zhukova and Doughty examine the competing perceptions of environmental risk in conflict-affected states and the possibilities of a “do nothing scenario” in the face of collateral damage to the local population.

Based on Doughty’s collaborative work with Elyseé Uwimana and Dieudonné Uwizeye on the methane gas extraction from the Lake Kivu in Rwanda, this episode explores the concept of “Green Extractive Humanitarianism” which helps reveal the tension between the necessity of providing people with electricity and the continuation of extracting natural resources in the Global South.

Listen on our website below, Spotify and Apple, or most places you get your podcasts.

Ekatherina Zhukova is a Senior Lecturer at Lund University in Sweden and Kristin Doughty is Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of Rochester in the United States.