What happens after the Taliban’s Oslo visit?

The NAC hosted an online event on 22 February to discuss what came out of the meetings in Oslo and what are the next steps for the Taliban.

Syrian refugees in the EU and Turkey

This NCHS paper examines policies and practices relating to Syrian refugees in the EU and Turkey, particularly the narrowing of asylum rights.

Taliban talks underway in Norway

NCHS Director Antonio De Lauri gives interview about what the Taliban may hope to achieve through talks in Norway.

Latest episode of Talking Humanitarianism!

Hear why existing models of community resilience should be challenged and how communities emerge from disasters.

Retracing the histories of two Palestinian refugee camps in Jerusalem

This article traces the evolution of the camp as a site of belonging and ownership and explores history’s contributions to this field.

Looking back on 2021

An overview of NCHS activities for 2021 and the humanitarian events and issues that have shaped the work of the NCHS this year.

Recordings of Annual Meeting available

Watch recordings of all panels from the NCHS Annual Meeting “Humanitarian protection 20 years into the war on terror”.

New NCHS paper on Islamic finance

This NCHS paper analyses the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Islamic Development Bank during crises.

Negotiating access to health care

This CMI Working Paper examines the tools required to allow negotiations for access to health care in humanitarian disasters.

New episode of Talking Humanitarianism out now

Tune in to hear why we should reconsider our understanding of vulnerability in the context of humanitarian disasters.