Do you have a background in socio-environmental processes? Are you interested in moving in Norway? Take a look at this Postdoctoral researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI).
CMI has one vacancy for a two-year full-time Postdoctoral researcher position as part of the Norgloabal “Prioritising the Displacement-Environment Nexus” research project led by Senior Researcher, Anwesha Dutta.
Primary work tasks include organising and synthesising socio-environmental data from India and Afghanistan in support of the project and contributing to writing publications resulting from the project.
The position requires a strong background in socio-environmental processes and an ability to work across qualitative, quantitative, spatial and historical approaches (though specialisation in all four approaches is not required).
This position is in Bergen, Norway and CMI are looking for a candidate who is available to start as soon as possible in the third quarter of 2022.
You can find out more information about this position and the application process here. Applications close on 31 August 2022.