Extreme weather events and armed conflict are among the main drivers of food insecurity. Already before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the need for food assistance in the world was at its highest since after the Second World War, and the situation has since worsened.
Hosted by PRIO, this breakfast seminar will take stock of the global food insecurity situation and discuss how it relates to climate change and armed conflict, also in light of the war in Ukraine.
Halvard Buhaug, Research Professor, PRIO will lead the seminar.
Henrik Urdal, Director of PRIO will welcome and introduce the speakers.
Máximo Torero, Chief Economist, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Rein Paulsen, Head of Office for Emergency and Resilience, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Siri Eriksen, Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Noragric
Ida Rudolfsen, Senior Researcher, PRIO
A light breakfast will be served from 08:30. Find out more about the seminar and register here.