“Border technologies provide great opportunities for efficiency and accuracy, but also potentials for harm. The EU funds research that involves experimental border control technologies, such as lie detectors for incoming third-country nationals, all while claiming that this is ‘just research’.”
This Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) policy brief “Trends in the Digitalisation of EU Borders: How Experimentations with AI for Border Control Treat Migrants as Test Subjects” by Lise Endregard Hemat (Research Assistant, PRIO) shows why developing artificial intelligence (AI) technology for border control in the EU is a concerning trend. Migrants are treated as justifiable test subjects, and AI can accelerate the illegal practice of migration deterrence.
Read more and download the full brief here.
This brief is part of the “Humanitarianism, Borders and the Governance of Mobility: The EU and the ‘Refugee Crisis” (HumBORDER) research project led by NCHS Co-Director Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert.