
Seminar: Humanitarian situation in Sudan

Wednesday 3 May from 2:00PM

With conflict between Sudan’s military and main paramilitary forces, humanitarian needs are growing rapidly and thousands are fleeing for the borders. 

Bergen Global is hosting a seminar “War in Sudan” on Wednesday 3 May from 2:00PM to analyse recent developments and the humanitarian situation in Sudan.

Held both in-person and online, the seminar will discuss what does it take for the generals to put down their weapons? What can, and is being done, by the Sudanese people themselves and how can they be supported? And what role should and can the international community, including Norway, take?

Panel (hybrid)
Moderated by Lovise Aalen (Research professor, CMI).
The seminar is organised by the SNAC project (Sudan-Norway Academic Collaboration: CMI, UiB and the University of Khartoum).

Find more information on the seminar and background information sources on the situation in Sudan here. You can also find more resources here (prepared by CMI).