The concept of “vulnerability” has become a prominent part of the refugee debate, particularly when it comes to identifying those migrants most in need of protection. But what is a vulnerable refugee? And how are different types of vulnerability measured against each other?
A soon to be launched report “Vulnerable protection seekers in Norway: Regulations, Practices and Challenges” will explore how vulnerability is understood and used in regulations and by decision-makers in refugee cases. The report forms part of the EU-funded research project VULNER.
To launch the report, the Institute for Social Research is holding a seminar on 3 November from 9:00-10:30 at Litteraturhuset in Oslo.
The launch seminar features reflections from Pål Nesse, Secretary General of the Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) on migrant vulnerability in today’s refugee situation.
Researchers involved in the project will then present their main findings, including NCHS associate Jessica Schultz (Senior Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute and University of Bergen) who examines vulnerability and the assessment of refugee status.