
Humanitarian borders of Europe seminar recording now available

Led by NCHS Co-Director, Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert

The “Humanitarianism, Borders, and the Governance of Mobility: The EU and the ‘Refugee Crisis’” (HumBORDER) project led by NCHS Co-Director Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert (Research Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo, PRIO) wrapped up with a closing seminar in December 2022.

A recording of the introductory session of the seminar is now available here.

This seminar features a discussion of how humanitarian borders have evolved alongside Europe’s borders since 2015 and what the humanitarian borders look like in 2022.

Researchers and practitioners working in the field share insights into different types of humanitarian borders, different geographies where humanitarian borders are located and where interactions between security and humanitarian care for migrants take place, as well as different types of interventions (please see the list of speakers and topics below).

Topics and speakers:
  • ‘Introduction: Humanitarian borders – pertinence and key issues’ (Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert, PRIO)
  • ‘Researchers’ and practitioners’ insights into different humanitarian borders in Europe: Camps in Greece’ (Heidi Mogstad, CMI)
  • ‘Detentions in the UK’ (Maisie Fitzmaurice, PRIO)
  • ‘Poland’s eastern borders’ (Anna Ratecka, Jagiellonian University)
  • ‘Search and rescue in the Mediterranean’ (Trygve Thorson, MSF Norway)
  • ‘EU research into new border technologies’ (Lise Endregard Hemat, PRIO)
  • ‘Comments and insights from respective research’ (Polly Pallister-Wilkins, University of Amsterdam; and Elisa Pascucci, University of Helsinki)

The discussion is moderated by Ayse Bala Akal (PRIO). More information about this seminar can be found here.