
Data protection and biometrics

Scanned by International Aid Organisations

In a new blog “Data Protection and Biometrics: Scanned by International Aid Organisations” for the International Civil Society Centre, Karl Steinacker and Katja Lindskov Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen) explore the impacts of the increasing digitalisation of aid and non-government organisations (NGOs).

In particular, Steinacker and Jacobsen examine the associated impacts of the collection and processing of large amounts of biometric data by NGOs, particularly on trust and sovereignty.

For further reading on the use of biometric data and associated risks you can also read Steinacker and Jacobsen’s NCHS blog “Contingency planning in the Digital Age: Biometric data of Afghans must be reconsidered.”

About the authors

Katja Lindskov Jacobsen holds a PhD in International Relations from Lancaster University. She is a Senior Researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science, Centre for Military Studies. Her research focuses on security and intervention.

Karl Steinacker is an expert on issues relating to forced migration, humanitarian aid and digital identity and trust. He has worked in the aid and development industry for more than 30 years, including four different UN agencies and the German Humanitarian Aid. As a manager and diplomat of the UNHCR, he was for several years in charge of registration, biometrics, and the digital identity of refugees. He currently works as Digital Advisor for the International Civil Society Centre.