
Call for papers: IHSA World Conference

Join in Paris and online from 3 to 5 November

This year the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) World Conference on Humanitarian Studies will be held from 3 to 5 November in Paris and online.

The theme for the conference is “New realities of politics and humanitarianism: between solidarity and abandonment.” The call for papers is currently open and will close on 15 September 2021.

The conference panel themes are:
Theme 1 – Health and the Environment 
Theme 2 – Localising Humanitarian Studies
Theme 3 – Political Economy and Politics of Humanitarianism
Theme 4 – Technology and Innovation
Theme 5 – Migration, Displacement and Refugees

Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Global Fellow and NCHS associate, Dorothea Hilhorst together with Margit van Wessel, will host a panel on the “Changing practices of humanitarian advocacy.” If you are interested in being part of this panel, you can find out more about the call for papers here. The panel welcomes conceptual and empirical contributions, including case studies of advocacy campaigns.