
Forced migration, re-integration and rebuilding lives of returnees

Held on 6 June 2023 at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, this seminar explored forced migration, re-integration and rebuilding the lives of returnees. This seminar was hosted by International Commission of Jurists Norway (ICJ Norway), in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the NCHS.


Humanitarian aid coordination, and the importance of the displaced person – Arne Strand – Senior Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Rebuilding lives of returnees in Iraq – Ryosuke Teraoka – Regional head of UN-Habitat, Kurdistan, Iraq

Information, Counselling, Legal Assistance services to displaced persons – Fernando de Medina Rosales – Global Information leader for Information Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) at NRC

ICLA services provided to refugees and internal displaced persons in Iraq – Charles Churchill Awici – ICLA manager, Kurdistan, Iraq at NRC

Followed by a panel discussion moderated by Bano Abdulrahman – Department of Refugees and humanitarian aid, ICJ-Norway.

Live stream and find out more about the seminar here.